Put me in coach, I’m ready to play!

It happens to so many artists, and in all likelihood it’s happened to you too. You start an amazing and creative hobby. You buy your supplies, you invest in your tools… you have big ideas of completing amazing projects. Then Bam, life gets in the way. Something stops you right in your tracks. You get hurt. You get busy. You get tired or burned out. Suddenly the momentum is lost. Then the thought of adding it back into the mix, trying to find a way too juggle it back in seems unbearable. Then  confidence disappears as quickly as it materialized. Time is sometimes not our friend…

As quickly as life can pull you in one direction, it can easily pull you back… With a hobby, it is easy to get pulled back. The original passion that lead you down that creative and colourful path is still there like a smoldering ember…waiting to re-ignite.

Suddenly, you see possibilities that you’ve only had the courage to dream about.


Although I have maintained to dabble here and there, this time feels different. I’ve recently had the opportunity to get back on track with my hobby. Believing this time, I won’t let it take a back seat to life’s mundane everyday struggles. No matter what I will take the time to enjoy something about my hobby everyday… after all it is my life’s passion and where I find my solitude.

Follow me on my journey, who knows where it will take me… and that’s what excites my soul! A World of possibilities awaits me, I don’t want to sit on the sidelines anymore. “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play!”.

Cheers! Heather


About thescrapbookguru

Hi, I 'm Heather. Scrapbooking has been my hobby for two decades! I enjoy every aspect of paper crafting and art mediums in general. I Specialize in creating custom albums. My paper passion is punch art and paper piecing. Feel free to contact me for information on creating something custom and special for you or your loved ones.
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2 Responses to Put me in coach, I’m ready to play!

  1. ava gavloski says:

    Great post…. Heather you are a happy soul with a sparkle that shines brightly.

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